Monday, 17 December 2018


Since my previous post (see below) I have returned to Thailand. I was denied a new Thai tourist visa, but at the border I was allowed a 30-day entry to Thailand. Now I am in Bangkok trying to get my bike back on the "GO" (that "Poor Animal" is suffering with each crank of the pedals, and roll of the wheels). And so, for now, I am probably heading towards Malaysia - OR WHEREVER?
Daily distances which I have cycled from Laos South until Bangkok are:- Ban Ta Ka 65 km; Udon Province 77 km; Nam Pong 95 km; Ban Phai 80 km; Nakhon Town 96 km; Nong Phi 47 km; Sikhio 84 km; Muak Lek 71 km; Ayuttaya 93 km; and Bangkok 101 km. Total distance cycled up to this point is 168 399 km.